A Country You Would Like to Visit

 Hi FAU Bloggers,

Today I'd like to tell you about a country I would like to visit. The country I'm going to write about is Cambodia. I guess I've been lucky when it comes to travelling as I visited all the countries on my Bucket List (a “list of things to accomplish before one’s death”), so anything else is a bonus.

Actually, when I almost went to Cambodia in January 2020. My wife and I were living in Guangzhou, China and I wanted to visit Angkor Wat - a huge Hindu-Buddhist complex - for the Chinese New Year. Unfortunately, my wife's passport had less than 6-months remaining so she needed to renew it at the Chilean Consulate in Guangzhou. By the time she got it back COVID regulations were in place so we couldn't travel. Travelling from China would have been very easy. From Chile the trip woud be via Dubai or Ethiopia, and much more expensive.

Anyway, the main reason I wanted to visit Cambodia was to visit Angkor Wat. I know other people who have been and they say it is an amazing experience. I've visited amazing places like Machu Picchu in Peru, the Great Wall near Beijing,  the Alhambra in Granada, and the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto (amongst others) and I guess I enjoy visiting ancient buildings in beautiful, natural surroundings. I think it's wonderful to see these things for yourself. Obviously, I would like to go with my wife. I think two weeks would be a good amount of time to stay. It would be great to spend a week exploring the ruins of Angkor Wat and another week sightseeing in others parts of Cambodia. I visited a lot of temples in Japan and China so it would be interesting to see the differences in architecture and the images of the gods they worship.

The only negative thing about visiting Cambodia is that it's a poor country that spent many years under an undemocratic government. 

Write about a country you would like to visit.


Where it is,

How you would get there,

Who you would go with,

How long you would stay,

What you would like to do there

What the negative aspects of visit this country would be.

Mention anything else you think is intersting ot important.

Try to write at least 200 words.


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